Mycotoxins - are my livestock at risk? - Quirien Cowie, (BVSc) Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced by some of the fungi that grow naturally in a wide variety of crops and pasture species. Approximately 100 species of...
7 Tips to Manage Dairy Cow Heat Stress When it comes to your cows, summer heat puts them under considerable stress and when it comes to managing this, it's their diet that's the best place to start. We’ve...
Is Coccidiosis affecting your Calves? Coccidia are a small parasite that invade and reproduce in the cells lining the intestines of young ruminants. Coccidia are shed in the faeces of infected animals and can quickly...
How to Minimise Weaning Checks in Lambs In lambs, milk or milk replacer is a high fat, high protein, feed source which bypasses the rumen and is primarily digested in the abomasum (fourth stomach). When milk feeding...
Case Study on the effect of Forage Balancer® – Weaner This case study in Tararua investigated weight gain and trace element levels (Cu, Zn, Se, Co) between two groups of calves weaned off milk and meal. One group provided with ®...
Forage Balancer® First Principles - A discussion on mode of action Forage Balancer® provides macro minerals, trace elements and vitamins, all contained in a carbohydrate base. So let's look at each category. The first thing to consider when balancing a ruminant...
Can your cows eat this much in a day? We hear time and time again that grass is all you need to feed your cows. But have you ever seen how much grass your cow needs to consume in...