Could Coccidiosis be holding back your Calves?

Is Coccidiosis affecting your Calves?

Coccidia are a small parasite that invade and reproduce in the cells lining the intestines of young ruminants. Coccidia are shed in the faeces of infected animals and can quickly reach very high levels in environments where calves are reared. 

Over time, calves will develop immunity, but when exposed to high challenge or periods of stress, Coccidiosis can cause checks in growth, scours and even death.  Because Coccidiosis damages the gut it can take weeks for calves to fully recover.  Even with appropriate treatment, this prolonged check in growth rate can mean calves are behind targets and require preferential treatment to catch up. 

Effective control of coccidiosis requires good hygiene and management strategies.

These will include: 

  • Reducing stocking density
  • Prevent faecal contamination of feed and water troughs
  • Regularly clean feed and water troughs
  • Regularly top up bedding in calf pens to reduce faecal contamination
  • Clean calf pens with steam or disinfectants that kill coccidial oocysts
  • Use rotational grazing when calves move to pasture

Nourish™ Calf Meal contains a coccidiostat to prevent high coccidial burdens during rearing. However, when meal is stopped, often when calves are still adjusting to a pasture-based diet, they can be quickly overwhelmed with a high coccidial challenge. This can lead to disease and growth checks at a very vulnerable stage.

Follow on from Nourish™ Calf Meal with:
Forage Balancer® – Weaner which assists calves transitioning to a pasture-based diet.

Forage Balancer® - Weaner provides cost-effective continued coccidiostat protection, immune support, and balanced nutrition to keep them growing and healthy.