Is a Doc Taylor® Consult really 100% free?

Yes. We believe that once you see how the software works, that you'll see the value in joining the programme, like the farmers in our Real Results stories. Just find your local Ruminate Partner and they'll make a time to come and see you, your farm and your animals.

Is ongoing Doc Taylor® support also free?

We know, it sounds too good to be true right?

If you order customised Doc Taylor® product from Ruminate, the software insights and support from your Territory Manager continue to be provided at no extra cost. As your Territory Manager how this works.

Can I get a mineral mix made specifically for my farm?

Yes. This is a core service at Ruminate. It's also where Doc Taylor® can really add value. We call this service Rip n Tip and your local Ruminate Partner will be more than happy to talk to you about your needs and goals.

Get in touch!

How many types of Forage Balancer® are there?

Forage Balancer® comes in a range of blends designed to support your animals through specific stages - from breeding and weaning to lactation and growing, through droughts and tough times or normal seasons.

If you don't see the perfect option, talk to us about Doc Taylor® and a custom premix for your stock.

How can I support my young stock?

Our Nourish meal for lambs and kids or calves is the ideal way to support their health, growth and digestive system development.

Forage Balancer® - Weaner is an important option to consider for dairy calves after weaning.

Electrolytes are also on hand to assist with scouring, and Ready & Recover can be useful at times of stress like weaning.

When are electrolytes a good idea?

We suggest that you speak with your vet but in general, times when animals benefit most from electrolytes are when they are recovering from a stress event or illness, or being weaned.

Can you help me care for my horses as well?

Absolutely. Check out Equinate and see why we believe these all-in-one equine supplements are game changers for horses health.

Use a Ruminate account, or your card.

Can't find what you're looking for?

You can contact your local Ruminate partner or ask our Customer Service team anything.

All contact details